So, last night I decided I do indeed like Royal Icing, it just takes some getting used to. I like that you can smooth royal icing with cornstarch and manipulate it a little . . . which you can't do with butter cream. Also, I think after the first night and a little practice, these flowers looked better so I felt more like they looked real rather than fake and piped. I might even use a few of these on the cake in August . . .
The first was a violet. These were very simple and awfully cute I think . . .

Second was the daffodil. If you can see the petals are piped and then gently squeezed to a point. I thought they came out adorably. :) And aside from the use of the tip 1 (very very hard to squeeze) I really really like this flower!

But my absolute favorite was the lily. I made several and hope to make several more. The white was perfect because I can just use color mist to make them into whatever color I need for the cake in August.

i LOVE the daffodil! So pretty!!! Great job!!