So, last night I decided I do indeed like Royal Icing, it just takes some getting used to. I like that you can smooth royal icing with cornstarch and manipulate it a little . . . which you can't do with butter cream. Also, I think after the first night and a little practice, these flowers looked better so I felt more like they looked real rather than fake and piped. I might even use a few of these on the cake in August . . .
The first was a violet. These were very simple and awfully cute I think . . .

Second was the daffodil. If you can see the petals are piped and then gently squeezed to a point. I thought they came out adorably. :) And aside from the use of the tip 1 (very very hard to squeeze) I really really like this flower!

But my absolute favorite was the lily. I made several and hope to make several more. The white was perfect because I can just use color mist to make them into whatever color I need for the cake in August.

So next week is our final cake. My instructor is graciously allowing me to try the fondant basket weave instead of the butter cream basket weave, on the cake so that I can give it a shot before August (Thank you Mary!) and then fill it full of flowers we made in this course. This will give me a shot at designing the cake and making sure the fondant will work. I'm really excited.....and hopefully I will have lots of pictures to show you my attempt. :)