November 13, 2010


Yes fans, I met the woman herself.  And she is so gosh darn cute and sweet!  I barely said anything I was so nervous, but I dragged my little toddler to the book signing (2 hour car drive + 1hour wait) and LOVED IT!  I even had the nerve to give her cake balls and shortbread cookies. :)  And this is what I came home with . . .

HOW RIDICULOUSLY COOL!  Yes I am a groupie, so sue me. :)

I think she'd be proud of these pictures.....

And Williams-Sonoma threw these in as well ....

The left one which was a girlie pink has already been added to my daughter's daily attire.

And they fed us peppermint bark while we were in line.  Um, yum!!  I'm still walking on a cloud.......

Make sure you check out her website and newest giveaway, its totally worth the look...........

Happy Baking!